Tuesday, February 16, 2010

introduction to information system

introductions to information system is a subject I take for this semester. it is quite interesting to learn. introductions to information systems is all about information system, and modern technology in business management such as electronic business (E-Bisiness) or electronic commerce ( E-Commerce). our lecturer that responsible to teach me is Mr. Harun. Mr Harun a good, understanding and diligent teaching. information management and technology subjects are relatively difficult to understand because of language involves the use of modern and new, such as computer-based information system, electronic commerce systems and others. what i understood about computer-based information system is an information system that uses computer technology to perform some or all of its intended tasks. I need to learn to make sure I get good result for that subject because of this subject is quite difficult.
after taking first test, i feel down because of introduction to information systems needs higher attention and understanding.but i will never give up because with me,i have a good lecturer and friends that will help me to improve my studies.

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